Meet Maggie.
Maggie is the matriarch of our family. She's 13 years old but still young enough to keep everyone in line. She has been with us since she was a puppy and people can't believe how active she is for her age. (They also don't believe us when we tell them that she is asleep before they ever hit the end of our driveway!)
Maggie is Momma's rock. She has been there through lots of good and hard times and is the only one that sleeps between Momma and Daddy at night.
Maggie spends most of her days napping but always with one eye open so she can stay on watch. She wakes us up in the middle of the night when Jessie needs a diaper change or when Maydell was sick. And, she immediately tattles on Desdemona when she goes potty in the house.
Maggie loves life so much that she makes herself sick from getting too excited so she doesn't travel with us as much as the others but she is always large and in charge at home.
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